Advertise in Wyoming Outdoors

Wyoming Outdoors, the official publication of the Wyoming Outfitters and Guides AssociationWyoming Outdoors is a handsome, 4-color special outfitter directory with 92 pages of pertinent outdoor stories, annual Big Game Trophy Awards, spectacular mountain vista photos, wilderness camping tips, and more. Discriminating sportsmen seek out this annual directory issue, hang onto it for years and use it to plan their “annual” safari to Wyoming. All members, outfitters & guides utilize the directory year round for reference and as a suppliers source. Thousands of outdoor sportsmen are planning a Wyoming trip right now and they are actively looking for outfitters/guides, lodging, taxidermists, equipment outfitters, travel agents, car rentals, meat processors and retailers. Our surveys show that these sportsmen are the “Cream of the Crop” and they:
  • spend an average $4,650 on a guided hunt.
  • come from all parts of the US & many foreign countries.
  • spend thousands of dollars on hunting or fishing gear for their trip.
  • own at least one four wheel drive.
  • are upper income earners & will bring 4-5 high spending companions along.
  • stay 2-3 nights in motels before and after their 7-10 days in an outfitter camp.
Wyoming Outdoors 2023, page 2

Wyoming Outdoors is printed annually, now with 100,000 copies!

The directories are distributed through some of the nation’s premier sports shows, including Safari Club International, Foundation for North American Sheep and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. In addition, we will mail 85,000 directly to non-resident hunters who have purchased license preference points and who are planning to hunt Wyoming in the very near future.

Wyoming Outdoors Ad Rates

Ad SizeAd RateDown Payment
1/4 page $1443.75$100
1/2 page (horizontal) $2199.75$300
1/2 page (vertical) $2199.75$300
full page $3727.50$500
front/back inside cover $3825.00$500

Wyoming Outdoors Ad Specs

full page (w/bleed): cover pages only8.25″w x 10.375″h
Bleed = 1/8″; trim size = 8″w x 10.125″h; live matter must be 3/8″ from trim edge
full page (no bleed): inside pages7″w x 9.375″h
1/2 page horizontal7″w x 4.625″h
1/2 page vertical3.4375″w x 9.375″h
1/4 page3.4375″w x 4.625″h

Wyoming Outdoors Deadlines

DateWhat’s Due
September 1, 2024Deadline for reserving an ad
September 15, 2024Balance of ad due
November 1, 2024All ad material due
November 20–24, 2024Wyoming Outdoors goes to print
December 15, 2024Wyoming Outdoors will be mailed to the non-residents

Please send materials and enclose full payment to:

Wyoming Outfitters & Guides Association
PO Box 2650
Casper, WY 82602
Phone (307) 265-2376; Fax (307) 265-2523

Contact WYOGA to reserve your space now!!!!!

Why Advertise in Wyoming Outdoors

Digital File Requirements

  • Acceptable Media: CD, DVD.
  • Programs Supported (Mac & PC): InDesign, Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop.
  • File Formats: Preferred format is Acrobat PDF/x-1a (all fonts embedded / CMYK / 300dpi). Tiff, Maximum Quality JPEG, and EPS accepted. Low quality JPEG or any GIF files are NOT accepted
  • All files must be CMYK or Grayscale (no RGB) at no less than 300 pixels per inch (resolution). Adjust images for Glossy Stock. All line art (black & white) scans must be no less 900ppi (1200ppi preferred) and saved in Photoshop’s Bitmap Mode as a TIFF or EPS
  • All fonts must be included. If file was built in Freehand or Illustrator please convert text to paths
  • File Naming: please use advertiser name
  • Please include an accurate color proof with file or note that one will not be supplied

Graphic Design

Mark Schuler/ProDesign is available to create your ad if needed. Design is billed out at $85/hour. All costs incurred in having Mark Schuler design your ad will be the responsibility of the advertiser.

Technical Questions/Send Ad Files to/Upload Instructions

Mark Schuler, ProDesign
1131 13th Street, Suite 205, Cody, WY 82414
(307) 587-5974

Another great opportunity for your customers to find your business—the WYOGA Yellow Pages! It is a fast, efficient way for anyone to find your Wyoming Outdoor business in any region. Only $20 per listing; see our media kit for more information.
The WYOGA Yellow Pages