Guide School

Nontypical Outfitters is now offering Nontypical Guide School! 
This 4 week training program is drawn straight out of Nontypical’s 30+ years of on-the-mountain guiding experience!  In this course you’ll have the opportunity to study: proven methods for consistently taking big game, wilderness survival and first aid, woodsmanship, advanced leadership skills, extensive horsemanship, the art of making the shot count in the form of a full NTO shooting class, and much, much more!  To top it off, you’ll take a 50 mile pack trip through the mountains of western Wyoming as you apply and hone your newly acquired skills. NTO will also be bringing in several outside instructors that are some of the best in their fields to help enhance your learning potential!
Our goal is to pull the true gold out of each and every student as we equip you for a successful career in the outfitting industry.  If you have a passion and a calling for the outdoors, this is the career for you!  Don’t waste one more second!  To learn more visit our website at